Ad Astra Acupuncture
106 W North Park StLawrence, KS 66044
Phone: (785) 760-1961
Focusing on value, it does not get much better than Ad Astra Acupuncture, just off Mass on 12th Street across from South Park.
Treatments are $15-$35 (suggested donation) ... You decide! There is no pressure to pay the max as employees pay no attention to the amount, tossing the bills into a drawer without counting. Honor System ... WHAT A CONCEPT!
Needles are sterile and not reused. There are a number of recliners in each of two "group" rooms and there is no disrobing for the introverts out there. All you do is show up, pay, and grab a recliner. When the therapist enters, they ask how you are doing, then place needles in your arms, legs, hands, feet, and head. After 30-60 minutes (or more if you like), Nick or Ann, who are both wonderful, remove the needles and send you in your way.
I have been going for about 6 weeks, I am feeling much better, and my back pain has almost entirely disappeared! There is little if any pain involved and only when needles are inserted. The slight sting disappears quickly and you can then focus on relaxing, a wonderful byproduct of the treatment.
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Title: Ad Astra Acupuncture ... Excellent Value, Professional Services
Key Words: 66044, acupuncture, ad, Ad Astra, Astra, combat, CombatCritic, critic, Kansas, Lawrence, travel, TravelValue, value,
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