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Portland, OR: Vets Are Dying Daily While VA Employees Telecommute From Home ... Isn't That Convenient!

Portland VA Medical Center 3710 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd  Portland, OR 97239 Phone:  (503) 220-8262 Website: I am a disab...

Monday, June 11, 2018

Suisun, CA: FINALLY ... A Mexican Restaurant That Knows How To Make A Freakin' Taco ... WTFO!

La Cabana Restaurant
325 Main Street
Suisun City, CA 94585
Phone number (707) 429-5871
Prices: $$$$

The place was packed on a Sunday night, a good sign, the service friendly and efficient, and the food muy bueno (that's "very good" for you gringos). The chips were made in-house and warm like the should be and the salsa was NOT out of a container with a spicy kick that burned the lips just a tad. 
With Negro Modelo on tap, a 25 ounce glass was just $6.50, a relative bargain and much welcome after 8 hours on the links in Napa Valley. I also ordered a "side" of guacamole ($1.50 - not wanting the $7.99 family order for just me), being disappointed by the size at just over a thimbleful when it arrived.

The two crispy tacos ($3.99 each) had shredded beef and the corn tortillas toothpick holes where they were held together while deep fried. Unlike recent experiences at so called Mexican restaurants in the Portland area, the tacos were not dripping with grease and the shells were not pre-fab, holding up in one piece until completely devoured. YUM!

The cheese and onion enchilada ($3.99) was large and full of cheese and the sauce homemade, not out of a can. It was delicious, but, unfortunately, not as hot (temperature wise) as it could have been. I saved $3 and several hundred calories by foregoing the rice and beans and ordering à la carte.
Had the side of guacamole had been a bit larger, the enchilada a touch warmer, and the wait for my meal somewhat shorter, they would have received my highest rating. 
CombatCritic Gives La Cabaña 9 Bombs Out Of 10 ... More Bombs Are Better ... HOOAH!

Nine Bombs Equates To:

Translation for Civilians: "U.S. Marine Response To A Verbal Greeting Or As An Expression Of Enthusiasm"

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Yelp - "GOLD" ELITE '14/'15/'16/'17/'18 
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Tabelog - Official Judge - "Silver"

Zomato - #1 Ranked "VERIFIED" CONNOISSEUR (13) - Over  4 Million Review And Photo Views ... And Counting #1 Reviewer in Portland, Oregon! - Frequent Traveler "Genius"

Google Maps - "Top Photographer" With Over 1 Million Views!

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View my food journey on Zomato!

La Cabana Restaurant Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

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... And Don't Forget To Subscribe To TravelValue TV on YouTube and our sister channel, CombatCounselor Chronicleswith Over 1,250 Subscribers and 1,000,000 Video Views ... HOOAH!

Title: Suisun, CA: FINALLY ... A Mexican Restaurant That Knows How To Make A Freakin' Taco ... WTFO!

Key Words: La Cabaña, la, cabaña, Mexican, taco, Suisun City, California, Suisun, Portland, Oregon, CombatCritic, TravelValue, travel, value, restaurant, menu, review, Yelp, Zomato, Facebook

Copyright 2018 - 3rd Wave Media Group And CombatCritic ™ - All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Washougal, WA: No Bueno Compadres! ... Not Good Mate!

Los Dos Compadres
701 E Street
Washougal, WA 98671
Phone number (360) 335-1706
Website: They Do Not Have One
Prices: $$$$

I thought Mexican restaurants in the Midwest were bad ... until we moved to Portland, Oregon. I love Mexican food, but I would rather cook at home then eat the crap places like this put out.
I paid $20 plus tip ($24) for a dinner for one with NO DRINKS, only water, and all I had was a taco, enchilada, and chimichanga (it was actually a burrito) with refried beans and a small side of guacamole ($4.95). I like to have a margarita or a beer when I eat Mexican food, but I refuse to order drinks at restaurants that do not print drink prices on their menus. Soft drink prices were on the menu, but you have to guess how much the alcoholic drinks will be, meaning they are probably trying to gouge you.
The chips were store-bought, about the same quality as you can get at Safeway just down the street and the salsa likely out of a plastic tub. You apparently have to pay extra if you want more than one bowl of their mediocre chips. I asked if they had "hot" salsa, something every Mexican restaurant I have ever been to has, but was told "that's all we got". The guacamole was not bad and was well seasoned, but the serving was skimpy for $5.

The taco came on a pre-fab shell, a sure sign that you are eating at a substandard Mexican restaurant. If they do not even bother to fry their own taco shells, that tells you about their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. Tacos are one of America's favorite foods, so why would anybody eat at a place that uses Rosarita or Old El Paso taco shells? There was plenty of ground beef, but it was an odd red color and so greasy (see video below) that the crappy shell was falling apart shortly after arriving at my table. I had to eat the last half off of the plate with my fork.
The cheese and onion enchilada was the sole highlight of the meal, but that is not saying much. The supposed "chimichanga" that I ordered was actually a very small burrito, the smallest flour tortilla I have ever seen with shredded beef inside and two small dabs of guacamole on top. I asked the server if that was what they call a "chimichanga" and he said it was, telling me that it was supposed to be deep fried, a step they apparently had missed. Being so dismayed by my experience, I politely declined when he offered to have it remade.

The service was friendly and good with the food coming very fast and my water glass topped-up without delay. Unfortunately, the food sucked just like at their sister restaurant a few blocks east and the fork they gave me still had food on it from the last customer. It was not the worst Mexican restaurant I have ever been to, but it was close.

CombatCritic Gives Los Dos Compadres 3 Bombs Out Of 10 ... More Bombs Are Better!

Three Bombs Equates To:
Translation for Civilians: "Situation Normal, All Fucked Up"

Read More Reviews By CombatCritic:

Yelp - "GOLD" ELITE '14/'15/'16/'17/'18 
  • 650,000+ Views A Year
Read Chris S.'s review of Los Dos Compadres on Yelp

Zomato - #1 Ranked "VERIFIED" CONNOISSEUR (13) - Over  4 Million Review And Photo Views ... And Counting #1 Reviewer in Portland, Oregon! - Frequent Traveler "Genius"

Google Maps - "Top Photographer" With Over 1 Million Views!

View my food journey on Zomato!

View my food journey on Zomato!

View my food journey on Zomato!

... And Don't Forget To Subscribe To TravelValue TV on YouTube and our sister channel, CombatCounselor Chronicleswith Over 1,250 Subscribers and 1,000,000 Video Views ... HOOAH!

Los 2 Compadres Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


Title: Washougal, WA: No Bueno Compadres! ... Not Good Mate!

Key Words: Los Dos Compadres, los, dos, compadres, Washougal, Washington, Camas, Portland, Oregon, tacos, CombatCritic, TravelValue, travel, value, restaurant, menu, review, Yelp, Zomato, Google

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