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Monday, March 30, 2015 Offers A Good Price, But Little Else

I was taken to's website after searching Kayak, United, Delta, and Lufthansa extensively for fares on an upcoming overseas trip. I was hesitant at first being a unfamiliar website, but I decided to give them a try with the following reservations, pun intended ...

First, people need more information before paying for a reservation, like applicable baggage fees (not just a disclaimer saying "the airline MAY require baggage fees"), to make an informed decision. JustFly does not provide actual fees, only the disclaimer. Fortunately, having flown Lufthansa many times in the past, the carrier for the trip, I knew that the first bag (up to 50 pounds) was free, making the decision a bit easier.

Second, JustFly does not provide a way to enter frequent flyer account information either before or after purchase.  I assumed that once registered with their site, I would be able to update my profile with the data, but that was not the case. The only information available for editing on their website are name and email address, no seat or meal preferences, home airport, passport information, or anything else for that matter. The ability to enter frequent flyer and other pertinent personal information once would save customers a lot of time later and help ensure they return to make future purchases.

The only plus was that their price and itinerary were better than I could find even on, therefore ...

CombatCritic Gives 4 Bombs Out Of 10 ... More Bombs Are Better!

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Title: Offers A Good Price, But Little Else

Key Words: JustFly, just, fly, airfare, airline, travel, fare, reservation, trip, website, frequent, flyer, miles, value, TravelValue, CombatCritic, critic


Windhorze said...

Hello, have you had the opportunity to use this ticket yet? Many negative posts making me most concerned about my ticket.

CombatCritic said...

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you John, but Blogger does not notify me when I have new comments.

There are no problems with the tickets. You get what you pay for, but my concerns were strictly with the website interface and lack of options available. In this case, we saved a couple hundred dollars by using, so it was worth the inconvenience of having to visit two airline websites (Brussels Airlines to and Lufthansa from Europe) to enter frequent flyer information, choose seats, and otherwise manage the reservations. I recommend comparing the lowest fares on JustFly to those found on and other consolidator websites (where you can store your frequent flyer numbers and preferences) before making a decision.

I would not be concerned about your ticket.

Thanks for the great question!

Unknown said...

They sold me a flight and then told me it was cancelled and rescheduled it to some random times the same day. It didn't work for me and I didn't make my flight and then they told me that the return flight was going to be unusable and non refundable. I called my credit card and disputed the entire charge. Ended up paying double to fly another way.

CombatCritic said...

Thanks for your comment Nicholas. I'm sorry to hear about your experience. By sharing these stories we can, hopefully, help others avoid the same pitfalls we have shared.

All the best,


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