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Tuesday, March 31, 2020

My Recent Escape From Lisbon And COVID-19 And The Discovery Of Miraculous Treatments!

Trapped in Portugal
I have severe asthma and am in the high risk category for COVID-19 (60+, asthma). My wife and I were stuck in Portugal just 10 miles from the Spanish border where things were getting ugly fast in relation to the COVID-19 virus pandemic. If I contracted the virus, I needed to be back home so I could get the specialised care required to survive.

Working with the US State Department, the US Embassy in Lisbon, and United Airlines, we were frantically trying to find passage home before Portugal went into a full lockdown, trapping us for an undetermined amount of time.

United Airlines had zero seats and could not rebook us until Cinco de Mayo, our original return date. Air Portugal (TAP) was the only airline with direct flights to the US and they had only three flights per week.
Finally, after three days of phone calls and tweets to President Trump, Secretary Pompeo, US Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler, and United Airlines. we were booked on a last minute flight out of Lisbon and repatriated to the United States on March 26, 2020, just before Portugal terminated all international flights.

Promising COVID-19 Treatments
Anti-malarial, HIV, and asthma (NAC) medications seem to be working in the fight against COVID-19. Coronavirus itself does not kill you, the body's exuberant immune response called a ‘cytokine storm’ is what causes inflammation in the lungs, leading to death. Existing HIV and asthma medications block that overzealous immune response, hence reducing the inflammation that kills you. Dr. Marc Siegel explains:

There is also a very promising combination of an antibiotic and antimalarial drug that showed dramatic results in a relatively small study in France, virtually eliminating any detectable viral load in 20 patients over a 6-day period, according to Dr. Geoffrey C. Cly.

A Michigan man dying of COVID-19 inflammation, Jim Santilli of Clinton Township, made what he called a 'miraculous recovery' within just a few hours of receiving those drugs:

Please share this post with all of your family and friends and have them share it with their doctor should they contract the virus. It could mean the difference between life and death!

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My Recent Escape From Lisbon And COVID-19 And The Discovery Of Miraculous Treatments!

Key Words: Lisbon, Portugal, COVID-19, COVID, 19, virus, pandemic, epidemic, drugs, medications, inflammation, death, miraculous, treatment, emergency, quarantine, CombatCritic, TravelValue, travel, Facebook, 

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