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Portland, OR: Vets Are Dying Daily While VA Employees Telecommute From Home ... Isn't That Convenient!

Portland VA Medical Center 3710 SW US Veterans Hospital Rd  Portland, OR 97239 Phone:  (503) 220-8262 Website: I am a disab...

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Finally ... A Full Service, Full Size Sporting Goods Store In Lawrence (KS)!

Finally ... Lawrence needed a full service, full size sporting goods store! 

I went to three different "sporting goods" stores on Massachusetts Street (downtown) a couple months back to buy a simple yoga mat, but two did not have them and the other (a yoga studio) was closed in the middle of the day. I realize this is not the BIG CITY, but for a city of close to 100,000, you should be able to buy a yoga mat anytime you want. Now you can!

The store is new, clean, well laid-out (same as other Dick's), and the staff friendly and helpful even though I found that being newly open, they did not have the knowledge of a well seasoned staff. They made up for what they did not know with vast enthusiasm and my questions were eventually answered to my satisfaction. Growing pains!

I would have thought that there would be more ON SALE being the GRAND OPENING and all, but prices were high (mostly suggested retail), hence the missing three bombs. I did find a nice Columbia waterproof jacket for $60 (regular $90) and it came in handy during the monsoon rains at yesterday's Cottonwood Classic Gold Tournament at Alvamar Country Club. My shorts were soaked, but my core was dry as a bone after over four hours in a downpour ... HOOAH!

The store was packed having been open just a few days, so I think Lawrencian's feel pretty much the same way I do. The line was extremely long, probably 75 people in front of me, but I made it to the register in 15 minutes. Not bad. Do not forget to sign up for their loyalty card and get an EXTRA 10% DISCOUNT at the register, a particularly good idea if you are making a large purchase.

CombatCritic Gives Dick's Sporting Goods (Lawrence, Kansas) 7 Bombs Out of 10 ... BOMBS ARE GOOD!

Key Words: Dick's Sporting Goods, Dick's, Sporting, goods, sporting goods, Lawrence, Kansas, golf, baseball, hunting, guns, bikes, bike, bicycle, tennis, running, shoes, CombatCritic, TravelValue

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