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Thursday, November 30, 2017

Valletta, Malta: Free Valletta Tour Well Worth Price Of Admission ... And More!

Colour My Travel
Valletta City Gate
Valletta, Malta
Phone: +356 9980 0215
Jennifer (Left)
Hey, there is a FREE 90-MINUTE WALKING TOUR of Valletta that you WILL NOT FIND ON TripAdvisor ... surprise, surprise ... offered by Colour My Travel. TripAdvisor is all about profit and does not care about merchants or reviewers (based on personal experience), so why would they advertise a free tour? I had to go to the company's website to find out about this tour, so do your "due diligence" (or read my blog) if you want to find real TravelValue. Here is more information about the free tour ...

My wife and I took the 90+ minute free Valletta tour last night with Jennifer, a very knowledgable, personable, and friendly tour guide and experienced history teacher. We met at the appointed time and place, a diverse group of tourists from countries around the globe, and were on our way around the tiny, beautiful capitol city of Valletta.

We started in front of the parliament building, making our way past ancient churches, the prime minister's office, beautiful gardens, scenic panoramas, historic statues, the former "red light" district, ending the tour in the square in front of the Palace of the Grand Master of the Knights of St John. Jennifer's energetic and detailed history and accounts along the way were both entertaining and educational.

For a free tour, it was very comprehensive, fun, and I highly recommend this tour for those visiting Malta. We will probably take another tour with Colour My Travel before we leave, probably the Mdina Ghost Tour. Finally, you may want to consider amending your name to "Color" My Travel for your American customers so we can find you on the web ... just kidding, just some "Yank" humour, I mean humor.

CombatCritic Gives Colour My Travel's Free Valletta Tour And Jennifer 10 Bombs Out Of 10 ... More Bombs Are Better!
Ten Bombs Equates To:

HOOAH!: "Phonetic spelling of the acronym HUA, which stands for 'Heard Understood Acknowledged.' Originally used by the British in the late 1800's in Afghanistan. More recently adopted by the United States Army to indicate an affirmative or a pleased response." - Urban Dictionary

"The Department of Military Science and Leadership, University of Tennessee claim HOOAH 'refers to or means anything except no' ... Regardless of its meaning ... the term is an expression of high morale, confidence, motivation and spirit." -

"The U.S. Air Force stole 'HOOAH' from the Army because we were part of the Army until 1947 and rather than waste a bunch of time coming up with something new and unique like "ROO-YAH" or "HAL-A-LOO-YAH", we said 'screw it, let's go with HOOAH' ... thanks Army ... HOOAH!" - CombatCritic

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Title: Valletta, Malta: Free Valletta Tour Well Worth Price Of Admission ... And More!

Key Words: Valletta, Malta, Colour My Travel, colour, my, travel, tour, tours, Jennifer, downtown, capitol, excursions, free, ghost, color, CombatCritic, TravelValue, travel, value, review, Yelp

Copyright 2017/2018 - 3rd Wave Media Group, LLC and CombatCritic - All Rights Reserved

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