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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Villisca, Iowa: Disembodied Voices, Moving Objects, Orbs ... The Most Haunted House In America

Villisca Ax Murder House
508 E. 2nd Street
Villisca, IA 50864
Prices: $$$$

You can visit the Most Haunted House in America, the Villisca Ax Murder House, in Villisca, Iowa, a small farming town about 70 miles southeast of Omaha, Nebraska.
For $10 per person, you can take a 20-30 minute guided tour of the house (between March 28th and October 31st only) from the hours of 1pm to 3:30pm or for $428, you can spend the night in the house ... if you dare!
The house is a small wood frame farm home with two bedrooms and a small attic upstairs and a kitchen, pantry, living room, and small bedroom downstairs. There is also a small root cellar accessible from the outside. 
The story goes that the murderer waited for the family to return from church on June 10th, 1912, killing Josiah Moore, his wife, their four children, and two of the children's friends, the Stillinger girls, who just happened to be spending that night. He bashed all of their heads in with an ax he found on the property, then sat down at the kitchen table, eating a meal before depositing a slab of bacon by the door and leaving.
The family was discovered the next morning after a neighbor noticed the absence of activity at the house, calling a relative who made the gruesome discovery. 
There were several suspects, including a drifter, a preacher, and a local business owner who had a gripe with Mr. Moore, but the murders remain unsolved to this day. Disembodied children's voices, falling lamps, moving ladders and flying objects have been reported and psychics have confirmed the presence of spirits dwelling in the home.
Look very closely at the photo (below) I took in the upstairs bedroom of the Villisca Ax Murder House where Mr. and Mrs. Moore were brutally murdered. Can you see an apparition of a little girl in a dress?
The house is small and the guided tour only takes about 30 minutes, but you are welcome to stick and poke around if you hope to take photos, see an orb, or hear a disembodied voice. The cemetery where the families are buried is just up the road a quarter-mile or so north from the house and worth a visit if you want to pay your respects to the victims and their families.

Villisca is a small, rural farming community in the middle of Iowa, so there is not much else to do there. There is a gas station with fast food and pizza near the main road, but little else, so plan your trip accordingly. We made a special trip to Villisca on our way back to St Joseph, Missouri from Omaha and I have to say the Villisca Axe Murder House was worth the one-hour detour.

CombatCritic Gives The Villisca Ax Murder House 8 Bombs Out Of 10 ... Only Because The Prices Are A Bit High (The $6-$8 Range Would Be More Appropriate) ... More Bombs Are Better!

Murder times eight, intrigue, deception, unexplained, temperature changes, EVPs, orbs ... watch the video and decide for yourself if the Villisca Ax Murder House is THE MOST HAUNTED HOUSE IN AMERICA.

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Title: Villisca, Iowa: Disembodied Voices, Moving Objects, Orbs ... The Most Haunted House In America

Key Words: tour, Villisca Ax Murder House, most, haunted, house, America, Villisca, Iowa, murder, ax, axe, CombatCritic, TravelValue, travel, value, restaurant, menu, review, Yelp, TripAdvisor

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