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Monday, May 23, 2016

Washington DC: Great Pizza (If You Are From The Midwest)

Wiseguy NY Pizza

300 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Suite 1
Washington, DC 20001
Between N. H St and N. 3rd St
Phone: (202) 408-7800

Where we come from, the Midwest, pizza sucks. So coming to the East Coast, we were looking forward to some good Italian food in general and pizza in particular. Wiseguy NY Pizza beats anything we have in Lawrence, Kansas, but it was not anywhere near the best. That is coming from someone spoiled with wonderful pizza, having lived in Naples (Italy, not Florida) and being married to an Italian.
The place is clean and the staff friendly. There were several pies to choose slices from and my wife was happy to see that there were "white" offerings as she has na aversion to tomatoes (yes, she is actually Italian and does not eat tomatoes, drink wine, or cook, but that's another story).
The slices range from $2.99 (cheese/Margherita) to $3.99 (Specialty), but they had a "Combo Special" - two slices (from any 20" pie) and a fountain drink for $9.69 so we went for it. My wife chose two of the Mushroom Truffle slices and I picked two NY Supreme slices.
The pizza was really good if you are from the Midwest and "mezza mezza" (so-so) if you are from Napoli. The slices were big, there were plenty of toppings, and the flavor was decent, although the NY Supreme needed a little help (extra oregano and parmesan cheese). The mushroom truffle was tasty in my opinion, but my wife has been spoiled by Neapolitan pizza all her life and said it was "OK" (a compliment from her).
All-in-all, we were satiated and relatively pleased to have a good meal for just over $20 in Washington DC. Hey, open a store in Lawrence ... PLEASE!

CombatCritic Gives Wiseguy NY PIzza 6* Bombs Out Of 10 ... More Bombs Are Better

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Title: Washington DC: Great Pizza (If You Are From The Midwest)

Key Words: Wiseguy NY Pizza, wiseguy, NY pizza, New York, new, york, CombatCritic, TravelValue, travel, value, Washington DC, Washington, DC, restaurant, menu review, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Zomato

Translation for Civilians: G2G =  "Good To Go"

* Ratings are based on "value" (bang for the buck) as compared to similar restaurants in a particular market/locale

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